Left: Terri Before,
Middle Top: The journey begins,
Middle Bottom: Seeing progress,
Right: Terri now!
I started weight lifting 3 times a week and my husband coached me through it.
In November 2013, I became injured. However, I was stubborn and refused to seek medical attention. By the
end of December 2013, I was in constant pain. I was diagnosed with elbow tendonitis. There are three ways to
help alleviate the pain associated with this condition; Take oral steroids, see an orthopedic doctor or attend
physical therapy. I chose the latter. After 8 weeks of excruciating physical therapy, my arm was about 80%
recovered. However, mentally I fell into a depression. I felt sorry for myself and lost sight of my goal for a bit.
I cried, screamed, and kicked things but none of that helped.
When Suzan started her Train Dirty Fitness