courtesy of Martin Koban, excerpt from
10 Most Common Causes for Knee Pain.
PedPowerPerform Lab
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(858) 270-1605
Discount: yes, contact for details.
Sergio Borges X Training
(858) 558-1337
[email protected]
Discount: 15 to 20% depending on
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SwimLabs Encinitas
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[email protected]
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Training Bible Coaching
Contact: Jim Vance
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[email protected]
Discount: $50 off all start-up fees
and clinic/camp discounts
announced as happening.
continued on page 15
The consequences of overtraining depend on
what system of your body you’re overstressing.
If you’re overtaxing your nervous system by
doing really short and intense lifts, you will
eventually lose your motivation to train,
your strength levels will drop, your libido
will take a hit and you might notice
general sluggishness.
If you repeatedly overtax your ligaments or tendons,
these supporting
structures will
start breaking
down instead of
getting stronger.
This is what happens to your patellar
tendon in patellar tendinopathy.
The tendon is overloaded on a regular
basis and is not given
enough time to recover.
The short-term result is
knee pain and if you keep
training, the tendon will continue
to degrade. The weaker tendon is more likely to
Similar processes take place in other parts of
the body. In the knee for example, the ACL faces
additional loading if the muscles of the leg are
not working properly. An athlete with dysfunctional leg muscles is at an increased risk of
tearing his ACL, as the ligament is worn down
excessively in every training session. If the athlete works particularly hard in an effort to
become better at his sport, his chances of sustaining an ACL-injury rise even further.
Five Overtraining Symptoms
Overtraining can manifest itself in a wide
variety of symptoms, both physical and psychological. Let’s look at some of the more obvious