TBE's goal is to be heard, giving artists the
opportunity to speak their mind globally, &
provide good quality sound for fans to
enjoy & relate to.TBE enjoys creating
music that gives fans a glimpse of what
artists have been through. TBE asks Fans to
not only listen & feel the beats but to listen
to the message behind the rhymes.
The owner of TBE(Thug Boyz Entertainment)
is Frederick Gates, who is also an artist, &
the producer of TBE. He is also the creator
& editor of TBE Studios Magazine. Frederick
likes being able to give artists an
opportunity to share their talent and shine.
TBE artists also give back to the community
and support charities like Keep A Child
Alive. TBE really appreciates our fans and
we love making music for you all so we offer
FREE downloads, FREE Mobile APP & a FREE
membership on our Official Fan Website.