TBBA Building Barometer July 2013 | Page 2

2 TBBA Building Barometer


member growth

“The growth of our association’s membership

means a more unified voice when working with public agencies on positive growth, change and providing housing solutions that the Tampa Bay area wants and needs.” –Joe Fontana, TBBA President

Heritage Drywall and Suarez Housing understand the benefit of having their employees connected to the association through membership. Both companies added 10 Affiliate members this month. Any Builder or Associate member can add Affiliates to their membership for only $50/annually.

During the month of May,

NAHB asked local HBA’s to

take part in a nationwide membership drive. This month, NAHB announced the winners of their Membership Madness competition and I’m pleased to share with you that TBBA won the competition within our group. These associations had the highest percentage increase of new Builder and Associate members in May. The percentage increase is based on an association's Builder and Associate membership total as of May 31 compared to April membership totals.

“We’re delighted to be recognized by NAHB for having the strongest growth during the Membership Madness competition for May!! Growth in membership means greater networking events & more involvement by our members.

It’s going to be tough to pull off, but we’re expecting our Fall Membership Drive to be an even bigger success.” –Heather Jaxheimer-Mills, TBBA Membership Chair/SMC President-Elect


Thu. July 11 - Fri. July 12 - SEBC Show

Tue. July 16 - Finance Committee

Executive Committee

Thu. July 18 - Remodelers Council

General Membership Meeting

Wed. July 24 - Membership Committee

Board of Directors

Fri. July 26 - Hillsborough Gov. Affairs


Thu. Aug. 1 - Sales & Marketing Council


Mon. Aug. 5 - Horizontal Codes

Wed. Aug. 14 - Pasco Building Permit

Thu. Aug. 15 - Remodelers Council

Tue. Aug. 20 - Finance Committee

Executive Committee

Fri. Aug. 23 - Hillsborough Gov. Affairs

Wed. Aug. 28 - Membership Committee

Board of Directors