10 TBBA Building Barometer
Remodeler of the Year Award
Bob Nixon
Associate of the Year Award
Laurie Stewart-Woodroffe
Builder of the Year Award
Joe Fontana
...installation &
awards, cont'd
Eagle Award
This award is given to a member who displayed an exceptional effort, high level of duty and a tremendous amount of spirit in the association.
Ryan Shears, Laura Kennedy, David Ball
President's Cup Award
Carpenter Contractors of America, Walt Anderson & David Scott
Pinnacle Builder Award
This award honors a TBBA builder company that does business with other members. In order to be eligible for this award, more than 70 % of the company’s active subcontractors must be TBBA members. It is the first year TBBA has recognized this commitment. The Pinnacle Builder Award has is a driving force behind the association’s membership growth. Special thanks to the membership committee and sponsors.
M/I Homes 100%
Inland Homes 80%
Ryland Homes 70%
2014 Builder Directors
Tom Panaseny, Stew Gibbons, Bob Nixon,
Grant Hachen, Michelle Campbell
2014 Associate Directors
Barbara Wilhite, Felix Menendez, Johanna Seldes
Mark Spada, George Schulmeyer, Ryan Shears,
Frank Messina, Dan Burton, Everett Morrow, Leah Turner
Willy Nunn, President
Jason Starling, President-Elect
Laurie Stewart-Woodroffe, Associate Vice President
Bob Gibbons, Vice President/Treasurer
Keith Appenzeller, Vice President/Secretary
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