Taylion Newsletter February 2014 Volume 1 Feb. 2014 | страница 2

TAYLION HIGH DESERT ACADEMY NEWSLETTER | Issue # 1 Actual Students Share about Taylion Taylion High Desert Academy student Giovanni Lima and Director Danielle Moore with KAT Country's Jimmer and friends! It is always a pleasure to drop by the studio! Making a Difference Several Taylion staff members expressed their concern for the homeless children who are forced to live in what is known as “Tent City” by the Mojave River, on the outskirts of old town Victorville, CA. They realized how hard it must be for families in unfortunate situations such as these to have their children attend school. Taylion staff members do not wish for any child to be denied their education and what Taylion offers can fill that gap for these children. Taylion hopes to offer these children an open door to achieve their dreams and to escape the reality of their current situation. Together we can all make a difference in the community and the lives of children no matter what their living situation is. 2