Taste Magazine 2024/2025 2024/2025 | Page 3

what ’ s hot here

Prairie flavours inspire innovative local chefs to create exciting regional signatures rooted in the land and its people .

Manitoba is a land of contrasts — the vast prairie grasslands of the central plains support one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world , the boreal forest reaches toward the Arctic tundra , Hudson ’ s Bay drains a vast basin of inland lakes , and a migratory bird flyway connects hundreds of acres of vibrant wetlands . Discover ingredients and inspiration from the province ’ s wild natural habitats on menus city-wide .

There are over 100,000 lakes in Manitoba , many connected through a giant
web of rivers that leads north to Hudson ’ s Bay . They provide a splashy retreat for swimmers , paddlers and sunworshippers . Fishing is a popular productive pastime with more than 30 species biting the lines of local anglers . Produces : Pickerel , Northern pike , lake trout , goldeye bass , muskie and whitefish caviar
Photography by Travel Manitoba , Peter Marrier , Oak Hammock Marsh
Manitoba ’ s flat sweeping prairies rewards with an unfolding scene of picturesque farmlands , fields of golden wheat , canola or periwinkle flax waving in the breeze . The rich soil that nurtures today ’ s fields was once covered with tall prairie grass that fed the bison , which provided meat for Indigenous tribes of the region . There is no greater symbol of Manitoba ’ s prairie than bison . Produces : wheat , oats , canola , sunflower , hemp hearts , pulses
More than three-quarters of Manitoba is boreal forest , part of the largest intact forest ecosystem remaining on the planet . Remarkably , 80 percent is still highly intact and free from development and are a forager ’ s dream , producing many kinds of berries and edible fungi . Produces : Raspberries , cranberries , blueberries , saskatoons , strawberries , rhubarb , lobster mushrooms , morels , chanterelles
The province ’ s marshy wetlands teem with life , meeting essential breeding , nesting , nursery and feeding needs of the local wildlife population . Beavers , birds and waterfowl thrive in this habitat . Without these crucial wetlands , many species would disappear . The signature ingredient from this area , wild rice , is a nutty , dark grain harvested by First Nations people for centuries . Produces : wild rice , bullrushes
wild rice pancakes by chef Costa
TASTE Winnipeg ’ s Culinary Guide 2024-2025 1