Taste 2018-2019 Taste2018-19_Digital | Page 6

taste 2018-2019 culinary guide Published by: Ciao! magazine Phone 204.943.4439 Fax 204.947.5463 www.ciaowinnipeg.com Great Local Eats • Scratch made menu • Great variety of Eggs Benedict, waffl es, burgers and more! • Delicious housemade desserts ART DIRECTOR Donna Tapay EDITORIAL COnTRIbuTORs Joelle Kidd Kelsey Schaefer ADVERTIsInG DEsIGnER Elena El 660 Osborne St. (204) 475-4250 oakwoodcafe.ca =PM 8IS_WWL      ( | COnTRIbuTInG PHOTOGRAPHERs David Lipnowski Ian McCausland grajewski.fotograph.inc | ADMInIsTRATIVE COORDInATOR Lorraine Harrison PubLIsHER Laurie Hughes fOunDER Brad Hughes for additional copies contact: Tourism Winnipeg 204.943.1970 or 1.855.734.2489 Printed in Canada by LGM Transcontinental All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of the publisher. WINNIPEG’S #1 BBQ DESTINATION Lovey’s BBQ 1-208 Marion St. 204-233-7427 Open Lunch and Dinner www.loveysbbq.ca 4 TASTE Winnipeg’s Culinary Guide 2018-2019 On THE COVER: Rhubarb Pavlova at Era Bistro. Photo by Ian McCausland.