What Happens When ?
1 . We have run over our mobile computer and cracked the screen ?
Well obviously no amount of over the phone support is going to help fix this problem .
Download and complete the Motorola repair form available from our website .
http :// www . barcodedatalink . com / pages / motorola-service-from-the-start . php
Ship the damaged MC9190G to the Motorola repair centre in Melbourne .
Motorola will endeavour to repair and send the device back within 3 days after receiving it .
If you want , Barcode Datalink will provide a spare loan unit same day . Usually we will try and deliver it ourselves . However , should we be unavailable for some reason you are more than welcome to come to our office and pick up a spare loan unit or send your own courier .
If the unit has failed through no fault of your own we will ship a spare scanner to you via ‘ Clipper Couriers ’ same day for calls logged before 10am or the next day after 10:30am at our expense .
Once you receive your mobile computer back from Motorola send our demo unit back to us .
If the mobile computer is out of contract with Motorola , say in 5 years ’ time and you did not extend the warranty , the repair will be charged for by Motorola on a ‘ time and materials ’ basis .
Barcode Datalink will still make a loan unit available while yours is under repair with Motorola . Freight to / from our office is at your expense .