TASBO Report Aug 2017 | Page 8


As caretakers of our state ’ s young minds , school districts understand the need to build trust and credibility with their constituents to show they are spending taxpayers ’ money wisely toward that mission . As a proactive means to build trust and credibility , Texas public schools have long been putting their work out for public scrutiny — providing transparency — often going above and beyond the multitude of federal or state requirements .
But as school districts come under ever-increasing scrutiny from both the legislature and the public , what constitutes meaningful transparency ? And how should school districts approach transparency beyond what ’ s required ?

REQUIRED INTERNET POSTINGS for public school districts

Below is just an overview of documents required to be posted on a Texas public school district ' s website . It was last updated in 2016 and should be considered for informational purposes only ; download the full document at www . tasbo . org / tools-templates .
“ Meaningful transparency can mean something different for each person ,” said Shay Adams , CFO , Business and Employee Services Team , at Lovejoy ISD . “ From the district ’ s perspective , it ’ s the desire to share daily our work with the world . It ’ s a frame of mind .
Public Engagement “ Transparency in engagement ,” said Dr . Jamie Wilson , superintendent of schools for Denton ISD .
For Wilson , meaningful transparency is about creating opportunities for open dialogue with the community as a way to build trust and foster a comprehensive system of accountability to the public .
That starts with putting much of the district ’ s work in the public forum — from financial disclosures to safety and security measures to curriculum and instruction — through the normal channels of board meetings and the district website as well as other potential channels such as social media , electronic communications , videos , and community presentations . This is especially important for fast-growing districts that see a constant flow of new families moving in who are not going to be familiar with district processes and need to get up-to-speed quickly .
Academic Performance Report Campus Report Card Notice of Accreditation Graduation Plans Superintendent ' s Contract Main Office Contact Info Annual Federal Report Card
Board Meeting Notice & Agenda Campaign Finance Reports Election Notice Public Information Request Open Meetings Recordings Online Message Board ( if available )
Proposed & Adopted Budgets Proposed M & O Tax Rate Tax Rate Trend Information Electricity & Water Costs Federal Grant Awards Financial Transparency
Immunization Requirements and Recommendations Statement for Public Inspection by School Health Advisory Council
“ People want to know when they want to know , but not necessarily when you tell them ,” he said , “ so the information needs to be readily accessible for when they need it .”
Beyond making information available is actively engaging with the community to learn what they value and prioritize in the educational environment .
One way Denton ISD achieves this is by conducting public surveys . Its 2015 – 16 What We Value survey received more than 3,000 respondents . The district uses the feedback to develop goals and metrics to aid in continuous improvement efforts , all while ensuring the public become more invested in the process .
“ We ’ re getting better information as people realize we are actively taking their suggestions into account ,” he said . “ When you can tie an action back to what they told us , it builds trust and that for me is transparency .”
Group Health Coverage Plan Vacancies Employment Policies Reverse Auction Scheduled Internet Location
College Credit Programs Physical Activity Policies Home School Student Testing Guide for Special Ed Students Homeless Student Programs Bullying Reporting Procedures
Campus Improvement Plans District Improvement Plan
Eval of State Compensatory Education Annual Financial and Compliance Report continued on page 10