TASBO Report Aug 2017 | Page 12

#TXED TRANSPARENCY STARS RECOGNIZING LOCAL TRANSPARENCY ACHIEVEMENTS The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is proud to administer the Transparency Stars program, recognizing local governments for going above and beyond in their financial transparency efforts. The program recognizes government entities that accomplish the following: • • open their books not only in their traditional finances, but also in the areas of contracts and procurement, economic development, public pensions and debt obligations. provide clear and meaningful financial information not only by posting financial documents, but also through summaries, visualizations, downloadable data and other relevant information. There is no deadline to apply. Go to https://comptroller.texas.gov/ transparency/local/stars to apply. 12 Frisco ISD is a participating Transparency Star school district. Their dedicated transparency webpage is one of five districts of varying size located at www.tasbo.org/transparency-txed. These sample sites are more than just aesthetically-pleasing. They organize the content in ways that provide meaningful information to the general public. TASBO REPORT | AUG 2017