Tarek El Mahaba March Issue | Page 38

Treasures in Heaven
“ lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven , where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal .” ( Matthew 6:20 ) According to the dictionary the word treasure means wealth ( such as money , jewels , or precious metals ) stored up . Our Lord God and savior Jesus Christ directs our mind to focus on the heavenly rather than the earthly . The problem is that we try to attach ourselves to a lot of earthly treasures or those things which take away the love of the Lord Jesus Christ from our hearts . The presence of earthly treasures and the concern about earthly matters cause us to fear the future . Sometimes , our minds get busy with the things we have and the things we would like to have . Our thoughts and minds must be holy and heavenly . We should not be worried about what we have on earth , so , we do not get distracted from our heavenly goal . That requires us to have a faith in our Savior , so , we don ’ t worry about what will come tomorrow because we believe that the Lord God
will guide us and enlighten our way . God promised us to have a place in heaven . That place is much greater than anything we could ever want or possess on earth . With the promise a command accompanied by it . The commandment stated by the verse above gives us the peace of heart . There should not be anything existing that will consume our mind and separate us from our eternal life , our love for the Lord Jesus . On the first anniversary of the ordination of a priest , the church would put on a huge celebration in his honor , and during the celebration the priest would be presented with a golden cross hung by a gold chain . The priest then would stand up , and thank the congregation for their generous gift . Then he would take the golden cross and chain and place them in the donation box in front of everyone and would tell them that the church would be more worthy of it than he would . May the Lord Almighty help us all to start building a treasure in heaven to be worthy for the eternal life through the intercession of the mother of God , Saint Mary and Saint Stephen . Amen