Tarek El Mahaba 2018 | Page 45

The Glorious Feast of Nativity "For unto us a Child unto us through the ever of is born, unto us peace brought us a virgin holy Theotokos. the peace that we lost Son is given; And the God’s incarnation was because of our sins. government will be to bring Adam and his upon His shoulder. And descendants back to their The mighty God was His name will be called first rank of which Adam born in a manger not Wonderful, Counselor, and Eve distorted by in a palace. Despite He Mighty God, Everlasting their disobedience to the is the King of Kings he Father, Prince of Peace." Lord’s commandments. was born in a poor place (Isaiah 9:6) It was to rescue all in a small town called mankind from inevitable Bethlehem to teach us The birth of our Lord Jesus eternal death. Through humility. The holy fathers Christ is celebrated on incarnation, God fulfilled told us that it was natural 29th of the month of Kiahk His promise that He that the good shepherd in the Coptic calendar. declared to us through that would carry the sin of Our Lord Christ was the prophets form the the world would be born incarnated and became Old Testament. Through in the midst of sheep. a man and was born His incarnation, king When people with simple hearts heard the joyful news about the birth of the Lord, they believed and rejoiced. Let us praise the Lord with joy for He is worthy of all glory and honor. 45