TARAŞCI ŞEHİT OKAN ALTIPARMAK ORTAOKULU ÇEVRİMİÇİ GÜVENLİK POLİTİKASI  The school will establish dialogue with other conference participants before taking part in a videoconference. If it is a non-school site the school will check that they are delivering material that is appropriate for the class. 2.5 Appropriate and safe classroom use of the internet and any associated devices            Internet use is a key feature of educational access and all children will receive age and ability appropriate education to support and enable them to develop strategies to respond to concerns as part of an embedded whole school curriculum. The school internet access will be designed to enhance and extend education. Access levels to the internet will be reviewed to reflect the curriculum requirements and the age and ability of pupils. All members of staff are aware that they cannot rely on filtering alone to safeguard children and supervision, classroom management and education about safe and responsible use is essential. Supervision of pupils will be appropriate to their age and ability o Younger pupils’ access to the Internet will be by adult demonstration with occasional directly supervised access to specific and approved online materials which supports the learning outcomes planned for the pupils’ age and ability. o 11-14 pupils will be supervised. Pupils will use age-appropriate search engines and online tools and online activities will be teacher-directed where necessary. Children will be directed to online material and resources which support the learning outcomes planned for the pupils’ age and ability. o Teenage pupils will be appropriately supervised when using technology, according to their ability and understanding. Members of staff will always evaluate websites, tools and apps fully before use in the classroom or recommending for use at home. Pupils will be educated in the effective use of the Internet in research, including the skills of knowledge location, retrieval and evaluation. The school will ensure that the use of Internet-derived materials by staff and pupils complies with copyright law and acknowledge the source of information. Pupils will be taught to be critically aware of the materials they read and shown how to validate information before accepting its accuracy. The evaluation of online materials is a part of teaching and learning in every subject and will be viewed as a whole-school/setting requirement across the curriculum. The school will use the internet to enable pupils and staff to communicate and collaborate in a safe and secure environment. 3. Social Media Policy 3.1.General social media use:  Expectations regarding safe and responsible use of social media will apply to all members of Taraşcı Secondary School and exist in order to safeguard both the school and the wider community, on and offline. Examples of social media may include blogs, wikis, social networking