TARAŞCI ŞEHİT OKAN ALTIPARMAK ORTAOKULU ÇEVRİMİÇİ GÜVENLİK POLİTİKASI 2. Online Communication and Safer Use of Technology 2.1 Managing the Taraşcı Secondary School website        The contact details on the website will be the school/setting address, email and telephone number. Staff or pupils’ personal information will not be published. The head teacher Mr. Hayrettin Topuz, take overall editorial responsibility for online content published and will ensure that information is accurate and appropriate. The website will comply with the school’s guidelines for publications including accessibility respect for intellectual property rights, privacy policies and copyright. Email addresses will be published carefully online, to avoid being harvested for spam (e.g. by replacing ‘@’ with ‘AT’.) Pupils work will be published with their permission or that of their parents/carers. The administrator account for the school website will be safeguarded with an appropriately strong password. The school will post information about safeguarding, including online safety, on the school website for members of the community. 2.2. Publishing images and videos online    Taraşcı Secondary school ensure that all images and videos shared online are used in accordance with the school image use policy. Taraşcı Secondary school ensure that all use of images and videos take place in accordance other policies and procedures including data security, Acceptable Use Policies, Codes of Conduct, social media, use of personal devices and mobile phones etc. In line with the image policy, written permission from parents or carers will always be obtained before images/videos of pupils are electronically published. 2.3 Managing email        Pupils may use school provided email accounts for educational purposes as Taraşcı Secondary School is Google School, teachers can give pupils gmail addresses as [email protected] All members of staff are provided with a google gmail account address to use for any official communication. The use of personal email addresses by staff for any official setting is not permitted. The forwarding of any chain messages/emails etc. is not permitted. Spam or junk mail will be blocked and reported to the email provider. Any electronic communication which contains any content which could be subject to data protection legislation (e.g. sensitive or personal information) will only be sent using secure and encrypted email. Access to school email systems will always take place in accordance to data protection legislation and in line with other appropriate school/setting policies e.g. confidentiality. Members of the community must immediately tell a designated member of staff if they receive offensive communication and this will be recorded in the school safeguarding files/records.