Mobile phones or personal devices will not be used by pupils during lessons or formal school
time unless as part of an approved and directed curriculum based activity with consent from
a member of staff. The use of personal mobile phones or devices for a specific education
purpose does not mean that blanket use is permitted.
Members of staff have an educational reason to allow children to use their mobile phones or
personal devices as part of an educational activity and lessons.
Parents are advised not to contact their child via their mobile phone during the school day,
but to contact the school office. Exceptions may be permitted in exceptional circumstances
on a case-by-case basis and as approved by the head teacher.
Pupils should protect their phone numbers by only giving them to trusted friends and family
Pupils will be instructed in safe and appropriate use of mobile phones and personal devices
and will be made aware of boundaries and consequences.
Mobile phones and personal devices must not be taken into examinations. Pupils found in
possession of a mobile phone or personal device during an exam will be reported to the
appropriate examining body. This may result in the pupil’s withdrawal from either that
examination or all examinations.
If a pupil breaches the school policy then the phone or device will be confiscated and will be
held in a secure place in the school office. Mobile phones and devices will be released to
parents in accordance with the school policy.
School staff may confiscate a pupil’s mobile phone or device if they believe it is being used to
contravene the schools behaviour or bullying policy or could contain youth produced sexual
imagery (sexting). The phone or device may be searched by a member of the Leadership
team with the consent of the pupil or parent and content may be deleted or requested to be
deleted, if appropriate. Searches of mobile phone or personal devices will only be carried out
in accordance with the schools policy.
If there is suspicion that material on a pupil’s personal device or mobile phone may be illegal
or may provide evidence relating to a criminal offence then the device will be handed over to
the police for further investigation.
4.4 Staff use of personal devices and mobile phones
Members of staff are permitted to use their own personal phones or devices for
contacting children, young people and their families within or outside of the setting in a
professional capacity.
Staff will not use personal devices such as mobile phones, tablets or cameras to take
photos or videos of children and will only use work-provided equipment for this purpose.
Staff will not use any personal devices directly with children and will only use work-
provided equipment during lessons/educational activities.
Staff personal mobile phones and devices will be switched off/switched to ‘silent’ mode
during lesson times.
Bluetooth or other forms of communication should be “hidden” or switched off during
lesson times.
Personal mobile phones or devices will not be used during teaching periods unless
educational purposes and activities. Staff will ensure that any content bought on site via