TARAŞCI ORTAOKULU ONLINE SAFETY POLICY Taraşcı Secondary School Online Safety Policy | Page 2

TARAŞCI ŞEHİT OKAN ALTIPARMAK ORTAOKULU ÇEVRİMİÇİ GÜVENLİK POLİTİKASI TARAŞCI SECONDARY SCHOOL ESAFETY POLICY 2017-2020 1. Creating online safety policy proress: 1.1. Aims and policy scope: Taraşcı Secondary School believes that online safety (e-Safety) is an essential element of safeguarding children and adults in the digital world, when using technology such as computers, tablets, mobile phones or games consoles.  Taraşcı Secondary School identifies that the internet and information communication technologies are an important part of everyday life, so children must be supported to be able to learn how to develop strategies to manage and respond to risk and be empowered to build resilience online.  Taraşcı Secondary School has a duty to provide the community with quality Internet access to raise education standards, promote achievement, support professional work of staff and enhance management functions. Taraşcı Secondary School identifies that there is a clear duty to ensure that all children and staff are protected from potential harm online. The purpose of Taraşcı Secondary School online safety policy is to: o Clearly identify the key principles expected of all members of the community with regards to the safe and responsible use technology to ensure that Taraşcı Secondary School is a safe and secure environment. o Safeguard and protect all members of Taraşcı Secondary School online. o Raise awareness with all members of Taraşcı Secondary School regarding the potential risks as well as benefits of technology. o To enable all staff to work safely and responsibly, to role model positive behaviour online and be aware of the need to manage their own standards and practice when using technology. o Identify clear procedures to use when responding to online safety concerns that are known by all members of the community. This policy applies to all staff of Taraşcı Secondary School including the teachers, support staff, external contractors , visitors, volunteers and other individuals who work for or provide services on behalf of the school (collectively referred to as ‘staff‘ in this policy) as well as children and parents/carers. This policy applies to all access to the internet and use of information communication devices, including personal devices, or where children, staff or other individuals have been provided with school issued devices for use off-site, such as a work laptops, tablets or mobile phones.    