The people the French are fighting against are conflicting and territorial. There are many different tribes in Mali like the Dogon,Tuareg and Fulani. The Dogon are also known as the people of the cliffs. They are mostly concentrated within a 125 mile radius of the city of Timbuktu. Within these cliffs they build large homes and villages. There are roughly 700 dogon villages in Africa. The Dogons are known as good farmers and considered amazing artists when it comes to wood carvings and mask making. The Tuareg are also known as “blue men of the desert” they are called this because they often wear indigo robes and turbans. The Tuareg are known for their fighting abilities and artwork. Even though the Taureg are not a thriving tribe across africa they are adapting to the new ways of life.
I believe taking the French troops out of Mali is a bad idea because if they continue to pursue the Al Queda troops they could drive them away from Mali. Of course this could also cause more war. Many things have improved since the French arrived. Schools have reopened, markets and water systems are being built and towns are rebuilding what had previously been destroyed. The French are helping keep Mali in shape and are not expecting to stay much longer. Originally the plan was to be in and out, but the operation has dragged on for far longer than expected. Since the French have moved into Mali things have only improved and once the french are taken out things will only worsen.
Souces Used: 5, 2, 19