CDAS AGM October 19th
The Annual General Meeting will be upon us soon , so
now is the time to think about who you would like to
nominate for the committee.
Perhaps you would like to volunteer yourself!
Executive Committee Roles
The President: chairs all Committee and General Meetings; represents
CDAS as required, or nominates another Committee Member as contact;
and signs all documents which require their signature as official head of
the Society.
The Vice President: helps the President in his/her role and acts as
President in his/her absence; and carries out the administration of the
Auction and Table Shows.
The Secretary: keeps full and correct minutes of all Committee and
General Meetings of the Society; and maintains the members list and
notifies members of meetings and subscription renewals.
The Treasurer: manages CDAS revenue and expenditures; makes payments as authorised by the Committee, keeps correct accounts and
books showing the financial affairs of the Society; and provides a financial report at each CDAS meeting and prepares the annual financial