Chalinochromis sp. ndobhoi.
A CDAS Tank Talk article by Laurie Chan
The genus Chalinochromis
The genus Chalinochromis described in 1989 by Pierre Brichard are thick-lipped,
cave-dwelling and spawning cichlids from lake Tanganyika similar in body
shape, behaviour and feeding style to the closely related Julidochromis genus.
There are two described species of Chalinochromis; brichardi and popelini, and
at least two undescribed species including the ndobhoi.
The thick-lipped mouth allows the fish to feed on soft bodied sponges and
invertebrates in rocky biocovers, a taste preference almos t exclusive to the
Chalinochromis and Julidochromis. The lack of competition over food source
means these two genera have carved out a niche in virtually every rock pile in
the lake.
Figure 1 Chalinochromis sp. ndobhoi female in spawning cave showing thick warty lips