* All items to be auctioned must be booked in for the auction as soon as
possible, preferably before the meeting starts at 8pm. They will be auctioned off
in the order they are booked in i.e: first in first sold. Late bookings will only be
accepted under the discretion of the Auctioneer, Vice President or Auction
scrutineer committee member.
* All sellers are required to submit a completed CDAS Auctioneer Record Form
when submitting their lots. Only official and approved CDAS Auctioneer Record
Forms will be accepted. Official auction forms can be obtained from the
committee or online prior to the start of the meeting.
* The seller is responsible in ensuring that each lot is given a proper and
separate lot number. The lot number should also be placed on the bag/item with
a WATERPROOF texta or on a sticky label.
* All items labeled with the same lot number will be auctioned as one lot. If you
are careless and book in 10 lots with the same lot number, they will be auctioned
as one lot. This includes fish and dry goods.
* All lots must be adequately marked on the Auctioneer Record Form with the
name and number of fish/plants, plus the reserve price (if any).
* Once a lot has been booked in it can only be removed at the end of the
auction, or at the discretion of the Auctioneer‘ Vice President or Auction
scrutineer committee member‘
* No one, except under the discretion of the Auctioneer, Vice President or
Auction scrutineer committee member, may open boxes or rummage through
the booked in lots. Buyers may however come up and look at the Auctioneer
Record Forms which will be on the top of each seller‘s lots - these sheets are not
to be removed for any reason.
During the auction
* Anyone wishing to visually inspect lots during the auction should position
themselves in a position in the room where they can see the lots as they are
walked along the front of the auction area.
* Only people bidding with CDAS Auction Cards will have their bids accepted –
unless there is a shortage of bidding cards.