guru says
eat bones!
Taught by the
world’s leading
authorities in the
areas of human
health, nutrition,
psychology and
movement, holistic health mentor and speaker Chris Bates,
has launched a course titled 'Nourished',
which recommends using food to help the
body not just heal itself but also cope with
the stresses of modern life and achieve
daily goals.
Key to the course is a broth, which Chris
suggests is made from bones, joints,
knuckles, carcasses, fish bones, fish
heads, eyes, ears or even the hoof of an
animal. He does though encourage good
fats, meat from free roaming animals, but
insists that one should examine the food's
source and ingredients. "When properly
prepared," said Bates, "using the finest
quality ingredients, a bone broth is abundant in natural minerals, cartilage, marrow
and electrolytes like calcium, magnesium
and potassium that are
essential for our human
existence. Bone
broths also produce
gelatin which is
extremely beneficial
to the healing of
some gut problems.
West Yorkshire food company
favoured by Theo Paphitis
ing into manufacturing condiments using local
West Yorkshire food and cookery company
Curry Cuisine has been chosen by Theo Paphi- ingredients. The cookery school was also the
tis as Small Business Sunday Winner on Twitter, only Indian specialist school shortlisted in the
recent British Cookery School Awards.
and has already seen an uplift in followers.
Paresh Tejura, director of Curry Cuisine, said:
Every Sunday, entrepreneur Paphitis, of the
BBC's Dragon's Den, runs a competition on "We couldn't believe it when we realised we had
been chosen by Theo. It is fantastic to join the
Twitter called Small Business Sunday. He
invites businesses to send a tweet describing elite community of #SBS winners. We saw an
uplift in followers on Twitter within the first hour
their organisation to @TheoPaphitis between
5-7.30pm using the hashtag #SBS. Paphitis of being chosen and this continues to grow and
personally selects his six favourites to retweet we are already networking. It's a great opportunity to further elevate our profile and gain media
to his list of followers, which currently stands at
more than 330,000, providing a huge boost to exposure and we hope it will ultimately impact
the chosen lucky businesses. The competition on sales and interest in our small, growing family business."
has been running since October 2010.
Curry Cuisine, based in Tingley and Dewsbury, The company's range of traditionally handstarted as an Indian cookery school founded by crafted 'Chutnees' is available nationally in
home cook Prett Tejura in 2007, before expand- ASDA and regionally in Sainsbury's.
12 T A N D O O R I
ruit juice brand
Sunmagic has
added four exotic
new flavours to
its range: Mango,
Pineapple &
Coconut, and
June / July 2013
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