Safari management
Your style: Wise and proud, you
communicate with a commanding voice and
are someone everyone looks to for guidance.
Why it’s good: You get respect, not through
being the loudest or fiercest, but through
your years of experience of being the best.
You’re placid and someone everyone feels
they can turn to in times of need - business
or personal.
Perhaps try: Though the elephant is
perhaps one of the kindest and most
humane of personalities, sometimes
the lines can become blurred and your
employees can think of you more as a friend
than a boss. You can learn a lot from the
lion. Its fierce roar instils confidence and
passion in everyone, and can often be the
motivation that your employees need, whilst
letting them know exactly who is in charge.
Your style: You know what works, it’s tried and tested and it has gotten you
to where you are today. You’re smart and agile too.
Why it’s good: Everybody knows exactly what to expect from you, giving
them a comforting presence, and allowing them to feel part of what is going
on and build towards the company’s aims. There is much to be said for
having a steady hand on the tiller, especially in times of drought.
Perhaps try: In times of hardship, when things aren’t going as you
expected, it is common to fall back to what you know best and the old
methods that saw previous success. But sometimes a leopard needs to
learn to change its spots and, in a new technological, post-recession age,
the old ways often won’t cut it with the emerging younger generation of
customers. Learn to adapt like the chameleon and find a new path, even if
you have to leave your comfort zone to do so.
Your style: You bide your time, waiting
and watching from afar, until the
opportune moment when you swoop
down and take your prey when it is at
its weakest. You know exactly when the
time is right to strike, and your results
speak for themselves.
Why it’s good: Business-wise, you make
some great deals and always know just
how to manipulate your adversary in
order to further your business prospects.
You’re sharp and smart and nobody dares
to mess with your authority for fear of
being taken down.
Perhaps try: This approach may get great
results, but you have little trust from
your employees. They think you’d be
willing to throw them under the bus to
save yourself, and they’re probably right.
Take heed of the flamingo who, whilst
they still do their due diligence, are less
ruthless and know how to balance results
with keeping your employees happy.
Your style: You’re always right on cue,
technologically up-to-date, and constantly
finding new ideas to tap into and pursue.
Why it’s good: You’ll rarely miss out on the
‘next big thing’ and you give your business
and your employees the chance to be at the
forefront of everything, riding a number of
waves to success and getting off before they
fall flat or become overused.
Perhaps try: Whilst you’re not afraid to
change tact when it seems warranted, it can
be very hard for your staff to understand what
you want from them. Constantly changing
approach leaves people unsure of the goals
of the organisation, and as such, work can
become muddled and without direction.
Take a leaf out of the leopard’s book and give
them some familiarity and understanding of
the businesses values and goals. 63 63
29/08/2014 14:33