DATING Qs & As THE WAITING GAME DATING CONUNDRUM Dear LFG, Dear LFG, I’ve been dating this really awesome guy for about four months. We’ve experienced a few rough patches but have always overcome our struggles. We seem to be pretty much on the same page, but I sometimes worry if we may be moving too fast. How long is long enough to know for sure that this relationship is something that’s meant to last? Signed Lady In Waiting Where do I need to look to find real love? I’ve gone to social events with friends and even tried the online dating. I am 30 and felt if marriage were something that was going to happen in my lifetime it would have happened by now. So what am I doing wrong? Or is it really just that hard to find a real, good man? Dear Lady In Waiting, While it is true there are no rules or set timelines for how long is “right”, it’s also smart (trust me, it saves heartache later) to not rush into something new. Remember, everyone puts his or her best foot forward in the beginning, so it’s important to take the time to really get to know someone. Again, there are no set rules, but I feel a minimum of six months is a sufficient amount of time to consider seriously whether or not you are both in it for the long haul. Chances are if you’re asking it has not been long enough to resolve your doubts so spend more time getting to know each other. Always listen to your gut and if you feel things are moving too fast, share that with your partner and discuss a new set of boundaries that make you comfortable and works for you both. Signed Searching For Love Dear Searching For Love, While I feel that it’s harder for a good woman to find a good man, there are good men out there worth the wait. Don’t settle and be miserable. Don’t be single and miserable, either. Scale back a little on the manhunt and channel some of that energy into enjoying life and the loved ones you have now. Time is a precious thing to waste, and it waits for no one. Don’t miss out on living a great, fulfilling life while you are searching for your Mr. Right. Have some fun on your own or with the girls. Just make sure that everything does not revolve around finding 56 UNSIGNED ARTIST THIS PAGE: (TOP) DMYTRO KOZAK/BIGSTOCK.COM; (TOP LEFT) OLIVIER LE MOAL/BIGSTOCK.COM; (LOWER RIGHT) LENM/ BIGSTOCK.COM. OPPOSITE PAGE: (TOP) OLGALIS; (BOTTOM) HASENONKEL. Answers to some of your dating questions from playing the waiting game to whether it’s time to call it quits. Provided by Ladies First Gents (LFG). SINGLE LADIES!!! WINTER/SPRING 2017 OPPORTUNITY!!! Calling all independent, single ladies who are entrepreneurs and running their own show! For our next issue, we would like to feature at least three women who are their own boss and call the shots! Please inbox us using the contact form below with your business website or #uamagazine910 on Instagram with a pic/video and we’ll let you know if you’ve been selected for 1 of 3 available slots! Note: We are also open to all women who currently own or operate their own business, but single women will have first preference!