IT’S COMING called to report there’d been a mix-up at the lab with the results. I was in the clear! My life did not flash before my eyes during that stressful week, but I did learn more about what someone who is suffering from an STD is facing and myself. First, there’s dealing with the acceptance of a new grim reality. Not all STDs have a cure, and people who don’t even know they are infected can easily pass on a virus. Then, I was worried about telling others. How would they respond? Would my family treat me like a disease from a “loving” distance? In the future, once I finally worked up the nerve to tell any potential partner, would they simply just jet? Once, when I’d stood on the other side of the fence, STD-free, I’d come across a very attractive young man who disclosed upfront to me that he’d contracted an incurable STD. In reflection, now I understand how much courage it must have taken for him to do that. The experience has taught me so much about appreciating life, and I 54 UNSIGNED ARTIST have a new found respect for individuals living with an STD. Having an STD does not change a person from being who they are, and more than ever, they’re in need of a support system. They don’t need to be further humiliated by being made an example of or shunned anymore than they already feel. They should not be judged or frowned on because they’re sick and hurting, or even because they made a mistake. We all do. I just hope one day they too can openly share their status and not have to worry about being treated any differently than human. For the full story visit our blog where guest writers are invited to share stories too. This author also includes some sexually sound advice to help everyone practice better safety! The content provided in this article is for informative or entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered or acted upon as legal or professional advice. THIS PAGE: (TOP) OCUS FOCUS/BIGSTOCK.COM; (MIDDLE) FRANK PETERS/BIGSTOCK.COM Providing A Stage For Unsigned Artists Learn more about events, win prizes, place an ad, hear interviews, be discovered, be inspired SUBSCRIBE