From holding your own in a relationship to addressing the stigma with STDs, all while taking on a little Q&A. Here’s to a better you in your love life, whether it’s loving yourself or someone else. What’s the real issue? Do you feel that racism or profiling plays more of a role in what we see today in our society? Take our poll to see what others think. Commentary for content used in this article was provided by C. Williamson. The content provided in this article is for informative or entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered or acted upon as legal or professional advice. S/O: On 17 July rappers Snoop Dogg and The Game lead a peace rally in Los Angeles, that called on men a part of rival gangs and all races to come together, calling for peace outside of a graduation ceremony for the LAPD. 100% peaceful. Way to lead by example! Much respect. Activists who want equality need to stop using the race card to play the victim and as their key element for action. If we’re always spinning it as a “black man” was murdered, how is that achieving the end goal of justice for all, regardless of ethnicity? 50 UNSIGNED ARTIST THIS PAGE: KASIA BIALASIEWICZ/BIGSTOCK.COM Remove “race” from questionaires. We all belong to one, the human race. HEALTH & LIFE defining and overshadowing the good that’s still out there or we will be divided and destroyed from within, without the real enemy ever lifting another finger. Take the time to educate yourself. Don’t just run with what anyone else says. Form your own opinions. Make your own decisions. THIS PAGE: (TOP) TUKKKI/BIGSTOCK.COM; (MIDDLE CLOCKWISE) EXTEZY/BIGSTOCK.COM; VSFOREVER/BIGSTOCK.COM; VSFOREVER/BIGSTOCK.COM; (BOTTOM) AVEMARIO/BIGSTOCK.COM aftermath. I do not feel every time a black man suffers a wrongful death the answer is the cop is racist. I do feel that because of a person’s race or religion, in today’s society, there are stereotypes that depict how they are treated. Unfortunately, these same stereotypes that often result in the mistreatment of black men could mean a potential situation escalates quickly. Racism stems from a feeling of superiority, hate. It is ugly. In at least the incident of Castile, I’m confident in saying that officer overreacted out of fear. Probably a fear that stems from the widely perceived notion that black men glamorize violence and are more aggressive and tend to resist authority, or just ensure trouble. None of which was apparent in this case. Maybe the issue isn’t just racism. Maybe there’s racial profiling too. More violence isn’t the answer tough. The actions of a few cannot keep www.uamagazine910.weebly.com 51