a hotel room for the first few nights since you can usually find lodging once on site at a much better rate than online. Always pay attention to your surroundings, trust your gut, and drink bottled water. A waterproof bag for gear, extra batteries and storage cards, notepads and pens, and a lens cleaning cloth should come in handy. James prefers to shoot at daybreak or evening, the “Golden Hours” and recommends using an ND filter or fast shutter speeds for mid-day shots. He’s working to have his website up this fall to share his ever growing collection from his world travels. Three Goals: 1. Acquire a new Fuji XT2 camera and lenses (it’s about half the size and weight of the DSLR and makes 38 UNSIGNED ARTIST a huge difference when packing) 2. Plan more trips based on location that will provide photographic experiences geared towards his style and interests 3. Find an overseas job that will allow him to travel to various off the grid locations, if possible with the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) doing water projects www.uamagazine910.weebly.com 39