Life has a way of balancing everything out.” When asked what the biggest challenge artists face he explains the universal answer of “themselves” like this: “I’ve worked with a lot of artists who say, “I really like what you did, but it isn’t what I was thinking.” Some people get so hung up in what they want or hear that (they) don’t leave room for what the music itself wants or is . . . . Water can take on any form it is put into. It doesn’t complain about not being a certain shape. Water just goes with the flow and flows. Once you release you can achieve. The releasing part is the hard part. We are not geniuses. The universe is. We are receivers therefore what we are given we must release.” Jacobs finds inspiration in conversations, taking risks, conquests and even something as simple as the connection from making eye contact. He uses Pro-Tools, Logic, Cubase, Ableton Live and Studio One but his favorite is Logic Pro. Even then, his preference is still for using live musicians when recording as opposed to programming sound and says the workflow is faster whenever you just let everyone be themselves. Herbie Hancock, whom he admires for finding spirituality and enhancing his musical career by chanting is his favorite artist followed closely by Art 18 UNSIGNED ARTIST Tatum whom Jacobs considers a piano god. Johnny Costa is also a favorite. Jacobs has played within the United States as well as in other countries to include ones located in Central America, in Japan and Europe. He is looking forward to visiting Africa. As he wraps up this interview and starts getting into some George Clinton “funk” he reminds us that the best part of what comes next is the excitement of not knowing and is pretty “geeked” up about what his future holds. Visit Cori “Fader” Jacobs at www.themasterfader.com where you can check out his music, videos, and blog. PREVIOUS PAGE: RICK SCOTT/ HOUSE OF FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY. THIS PAGE: COURTESY OF CORI JACOBS PLACE YOUR AD WITH US! Currently priced as follows, per issue: $75 $125 $200 1/4 (Quarter) Page 1/2 (Half) Page Full Page We also offer basic formatting services for aspiring authors at $3 per page (250 words). We reserve the right to accept or decline requests for any service for any reason, but we will not discriminate based on race, age, handicap, sex, origin, religion, or orientation. Please note that we do not publish content that is strictly to promote a religion or religious services/activities. Visit: www.uamagazine910. weebly.com