had the pleasure of a chanced encounter with this next artist during a trip to L.A. in May 2016. I met Cori “Fader” Jacobs on the street of Venice beach selling his CDs. He carried a pair of headphones hooked up to an MP3 player, allowing me to hear two original songs of him playing the piano. I knew then I was meeting with talent, but what I didn’t realize was exactly whom I was talking too (sometimes happens in L.A. right?) Shortly after returning home, I reached out to Jacobs for help on creating music for a song I wrote. We got into talking about ventures and being inspired, which has led this very charismatic man to share in an interview! When I reached out to Jacobs, it must be somewhere around 11:30 PST and he’s in the studio scoring a short film. He and his band have an upcoming show at the end of the month (June 2016) and enjoy groovy arrangements that are funky and fun, something he likes to call a little Fun-K Jazz. “I love originals. I write all the time and in every style I can. I’m never bored.” He and the band also perform covers to which he proudly adds he has a pretty cool cover of Brittany Spears’ “Toxic” (available for listeners via his website). Jacobs quit a corporate job working at one of Fortune 500 companies and shares “Since I left my job of 14 years I have never looked back but to say ‘I should have done this a long time ago.’ A job is a false sense of security. You are helping someone else 16 UNSIGNED ARTIST both (spiritual and natural) worlds. His quest for spiritual elevation is something he measures by how much he’s grown lyrically. “On a higher level, I stop using modes and idioms and start letting my life source take over. Soon I don’t hear anything but anyone listening hears it all. I’ve never been in love like this before (and) should I feel this with anything else then wow.” His take on the music industry today is nothing short of love for what remains pure. He goes as far as to separate the words music from industry. “ . . . Music and the industry have always been two different things. Any time you take what is natural and monetize it you start to lessen its value. It becomes cheap and you start to copy what’s good and milk it until you can’t get anything out of it anymore. Then you discard it and find something else. Music is water. Water holds some of the most exotic creatures ever. Beautiful fish, whales, seals, but also sharks. The good and bad are drawn to this life force. But you must first love the water and not what you can obtain from the water. I think the music industry is balancing itself out. PREVIOUS PAGE & THIS PAGE: COURTESY OF CORI JACOBS I who quit their job to start a business, so they hire you, to make millions. No one is safe. A degree is not a guarantee of a job . . . . If you are thinking about leaving your job make sure the conditions that you are walking into allow you to support yourself . . . . It’s like jumping out of a plane. Soon as you jump . . . you FALL.” Jacobs states he also believes although it doesn’t come easy, it’s the universe’s job to give an individual their desire. In other words, what you put out there in the pursuant of your dreams and goals comes back to you. The experienced artist whose been musically inclined at least since the age of 9, has several insightful observations to share, and it’s enough to fill this entire article with his quotes, which is much the case. “I knew I wanted to make a living doing it (music) in high school. I thought I would be in a band with Al Jarreau playing percussion. I met him but didn’t play in his band (LOL). . . . Every culture from gangsters to nuns are represented by some form of sound. It’s like we need it. I just have to know more about it. . . . . Nothing else did this to people on such a global level.” Like several artists, Jacobs finds his motivation from achieving his next hit. He describes the feeling as an experience too beautiful not to have in Mel Independent (Model) Makeup: Dawn Payne (Dusk to Dawn Cosmetics) [email protected] North Carolina UAMAGAZINE910.COM Take charge of your modeling career. Learn more atARTIST our website UNSIGNED 17