TALENTS MAGAZINE Issue No. 2 | Page 35


If you ’ re a young model who ’ s been fortunate to land a lucrative , budding career there ’ s never a better time than the present to get your finances in order . Typically , the key to success in the world of budgeting boils down to developing a few good habits .

1 Evaluate Your Lifestyle

What are your needs , wants , and habits ? What areas would you like to improve in ? Are shopping sprees and long nights out taking a toll on your wallet ? Perhaps you want to consider healthier lifestyle options ( fitness or cooking ) or take up a few acting classes ? In order to adjust accordingly , create a budget for how you want to drive your finances .

2 Save , Save , Save !

I ’ ve yet to hear someone lament saving too much ! When you ’ re young , there ’ s nothing wrong with blowing a paycheck . . . As long as you ’ re saving one too ! Budgets are unique for every individual and finding one that fits your lifestyle will take some trial and error . It ’ s always a safe bet to set aside a percentage or set amount for what you intend to save , and splurge with each paycheck after the basic bills ( rent , utilities , phone , etc .) are paid .

3 Invest . . . In Yourself

Whether you ’ ve found your life-long dream in modeling or if it ’ s in another career field , once you ’ ve reached a comfortable level of steady income it ’ s a good idea to invest in becoming a better you . Doing so can only make you more marketable and is an investment that should pay for itself down the road .

4 Give To A Charity Or Good Cause

Sharing with others is a testament to who you are as an individual and to your character , so when you have it to give why not brighten up someone else ’ s day who isn ’ t as fortunate ? You never know what inspiration can result from it .
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