Talented June, 2012 | Page 6

Photo by Courtney Yellock

The Model Dream


I sat down with aspiring model Deja Hatch and her beautiful 3 year old baby girl Demi to get the exclusive behind the scenes view of the model dream. I met Deja years ago at the beginning of her modeling ambition. Unlike most models I’ve met, something was different about her. Her personality jumped out at me, she had that smile and look that just screamed “Hey”. Deja grew up in Denver Colorado in a two parent household with two younger siblings Fred and Shannon. Their stay in Denver was brief due to their father's so they relocated to Seattle While in Seattle she attended the John Casablanca modeling school at age 13 which she graduated from in 1994.

At this point she was finally moving in the right direction of a modeling career. Then tragedy struck she had to relocate again this time across the map to Roanoke, VA One would think the journey would stop there, but it didn’t, it was the start of a model dream.

Holliday: first off thank you for doing the interview. So tell me when you got that modeling itch? when did the modeling bug bite you?

Deja: No problem, (she laughs) the modeling bug bit me as far back as I can remember my father was a model in his younger days it’s in the blood.

Holliday: I’m a firm believer that your children will mimic what he or she has seen good or bad unfortunately. Tell me with all the moving how you managed to stay focused and graduate from John Casablanca modeling school?

Deja: It was hard. Not knowing if our father’s job would relocate us again and again but I managed to stay focused and graduated one of the top in my class.

Holliday: Salute through hard work and determination anything is possible. If modeling doesn’t work out what do you have as a plan “B”?

Deja: Well, Actually Holliday I plan on finishing cosmetology school. It’s another hidden talent of mine that I started before moving to Virginia.

Holliday: If you had one chance to tell an aspiring model something that would benefit them what would it be? Possibly something you wish somebody told you.

Deja: Good question its simple though know your worth! Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself.

Holliday: Thank you again for the interview and if there is anything “Talented” magazine can do in the future to help your career let me know.

You can reach Deja Hatch via Facebook.com/Deja Hatch and if you like her pictures please feel free to contact Courtney Yellock via Facebook as well. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview with Deja and will continue to follow her career to the lime light.