TAL MARCH_APRIL EDITION v10 4.18 Volume 22, No. 5 | Page 3

Recipient of the 2021-2022 Georgia State Bar Association Award for Best Publication
Hon . Diane E . Bessen , State Court of Fulton County , diane . bessen @ fultoncountyga . gov Harry J . Winograd , Bodker Ramsey Andrews Winograd & Wildstein PC , hwinograd @ brawwlaw . com
Amy B . Cheng , Atlanta Bar Association President Toni Roberts , Atlanta Bar Association Executive Director & CEO
Daniela Britton Katherine Collins Debby Ebel Brooke French Ereka Hollings
Quiana Hood Tia Jones Marilyn Kapaun Bonnie Levine Sky Li
Viraj Parmar Ricky Panayoty Kier Prince Nancy Ramirez Jackie Saylor
Gieava Stinchcomb Ayo Uboh Hanfei Zhang Nico Zuli
Atlanta Bar Association President Amy B . Cheng Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
Vice President / President-Elect Emily C . Ward Continuum Legal Group LLP
Secretary E . Tyron Brown Hawkins Parnell & Young LLC
Treasurer Jerico Phillips Graphic Packaging International , LLC
Immediate Past President Christopher P . Lightner Alston & Bird
ACYL President Patrick Reagin Holland & Knight LLP
Members-at-Large Jake Carroll ** Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
Claudia Chafloque-Siu **
Hon . Kimberly D . Charles Atlanta Legal Aid
Brooke M . French Kaye , Lembeck , Hitt & French Family Law
Betsy C . Griswold Intercontinental Hotel Group
John D . Hadden Penn Law LLC
Pierce Hand IV ** Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation
Lisa McNary ** Cash Krugler & Fredericks
Kevin Patrick Kevin Patrick Law LLC
Samantha Skolnick Alston & Bird
Bing Wang **
Joseph Wilson ** Wilson Rowley LLC
ABA Delegate Michael B . Terry Bondurant Mixson & Elmore LLP
Atlanta Bar Foundation President Alan G . Poole Troutman Pepper
Gate City Bar Association President N . John Bey
** Denotes Appointment
by President
The Atlanta Lawyer ( ISSN-04038428 / UPS-018068 ) is published by the Atlanta Bar Association , P . O . Box 13424 , Atlanta , Georgia 30324- 9998 . The Editorial Board of The Atlanta Lawyer will consider all articles and letters submitted for publication , however it reserves the right to reject articles and letters submitted . Articles are judged on importance of topic , clarity and timeliness . The Editorial Board gives priority to articles promoting the activities of the Association and its members . The Board reserves the right to edit or rewrite an article as a condition of publication .
Articles may be submitted by email to Gieava Stinchcomb at gstinchcomb @ atlantabar . org . The Atlanta Lawyer reserves the right to edit for style , length , and continuity . The Atlanta Lawyer is published electronically .