more . My husband , Chad Hume , has been my greatest supporter and advocate . Going into my President year , he knew about the time commitment , and he picked up the slack for our family in a major way to support this effort , namely with raising our son Finn ( age 3 ) and our dog Feta ( a white Englich retriever , hence the name ). Our oldest , Feta , is my best emotional support . She ’ s always there to greet me with an unwanted lick ! Beyond my immediate family , the support of my parents and inlaws , friends , and mentors meant the world to me . The expression , “ it takes a village ,” rings so true . I ’ m lucky that my village is a city of people .
Her number one fans , Amy ’ s son Finn , husband Chad Hume , and fur baby Feta .
IN THE PROFESSION How did this service impact your practice ?
As a litigator at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough , this Atlanta Bar leadership position gave me a unique opportunity to find my voice and demonstrate my range to the law firm ’ s partners . I also want to acknowledge Nelson Mullins partner and former Bar President Wade Malone who helped the Firm understand the importance of my serving in this role . What is your future role within the Atlanta Bar ?
My Bar volunteer work initially started as a young litigator in leadership on the Litigation Section Board . Another former Bar President Christina Baugh mentored me and let me see a growing role within the Bar organization . This led me to the “ Big Board ” and ultimately the Executive leadership . I retain an active role in the Litigation Section and am currently Vice Chair . The current Section Chair Kevin Patrick along with other officers in the Section did more than usual to permit me to serve these dual-roles . I look forward to continuing my service with the Bar through my roles as Immediate Past President and Vice Chair of the Litigation Section .
Who else gets special praise for their support ?
There were other major buckets of people who supported me . The Bar ’ s Past Presidents provide real guidance and support . Special mention to the Bar ’ s Staff , including experienced people and new hires , working with Toni Roberts .
At the Section Chair Orientation Meeting with Sections Director Karen English , E . Tyron Brown ( Hawkins , Parnell & Young ), Hon . Gail S . Tusan ( JAMS ), Lisa McNary ( Cash , Krugler & Fredericks ), and Kevin Patrick ( Kevin Patrick Law )
At The Legal Runaround with Toni Roberts , Executive Director and CEO and Past President Christina Baugh ( Barnes & Thornburg )
Just after being sworn in at the 2023 Annual Meeting with E . Tyron Brown ( Hawkins Parnell & Young ), and Bonnie Youn ( The RMN Agency )
10 March / April 2024