Counting Down The Days :

A Look At The Presidential Term Of Amy B . Cheng

HON . DIANE E . BESSEN State Court of Fulton County diane . bessen @ fultoncountyga . gov
HARRY J . WINOGRAD Bodker , Ramsey , Andrews , Winograd & Wildstein , PC hwinograd @ brawwlaw . com

A t the May 2024 Annual Meeting of the Atlanta Bar Association , Amy B . Cheng will pass the gavel to the incoming leadership of new President Emily Ward . In a discussion with the Co-Chairs of The Atlanta Lawyer , Amy shares her thoughts on her historic term , the importance of voluntary bar associations particularly for young lawyers and how she led the Atlanta Bar forward with an expansive view of the legal community as our first AAPI President .

What surprised you about serving as President ?
All of the different “ hats ” that the Alanta Bar Association President wears ! You are always “ on ” and the President is constantly thinking about how to craft their words since they act as the Bar ’ s primary spokesperson . As examples , the President serves on the Board of AVLF , conducts direct interaction with members on individual issues , sets the Bar Association ’ s strategic vision , and acts as the public face of the Bar .
What was the top Achievement during your term ?
The strong growth in membership , led by Ty Brown and the Bar ’ s Membership Committee was significant . Particularly when viewed in these times of declining membership in organizations . The number of members increased by 353 people . We brought back the Eversheds Sutherland firm to the 100 % Club , and added both Morris Manning Martin and welcomed Arnall Golden Gregory to the 100 % litigation membership .
8 March / April 2024