Law School and Love

EREKA HOLLINGS Ereka is an Atlanta Bar Association Student Member and Currently 2L at Thomas Cooley Law School hollingse @ cooley . edu

F rom juggling law school classes and spending countless hours in the law library , students at Thomas Cooley Law School reflect on how they balance their love life and law books .

Law school can be rigorous and during those years it may be very difficult to find a balance between a personal life and student life . But students have found that through it all there are aspects that they absolutely love about attending law school . Carolina Morales , a second-year law student , says something that she loves about law school is the thrill of the pressure because it keeps her on her toes and keeps the momentum going . There is never a dull moment . And when it comes to overcoming the stresses of law school to stay connected to her partner , Carolina got creative by focusing on the little things like leaving a quick love note for her partner or making time for an intimate lunch date between classes so she and her partner can stay connected . Small gestures can have a giant impact on keeping a love connection strong . Maqia Simmons , a second-year law student makes a conscious effort to prioritize her partner by dedicating one day a week to decompress from her legal studies . This break allows time with her partner to engage in activities that they both enjoy . Maqia and Carolina both agree that a perfect date with their partners consists of taking a romantic stroll in the park or the beach to gaze at the stars .
Law school and love can be a daunting task to balance for incoming 1Ls and law students as a whole , but do not be discouraged that it cannot be done . Carolina ' s suggestion to incoming law students is not to give up on love because you are entering a challenging year ; love can be that little extra push to get you through the demands of law school ! Maqia adds that seeking a partner with his / her own hobbies and friendships is helpful . And prioritizing a partner who is supportive is important . A supportive partner can make a difference by providing the emotional support and motivation you need to make it to the finish line .
24 January / February 2024