TAL August:September 2024 Issue Volume 23 No. 2 | Page 6

President ' s Message :

The Power of Presence A

The Power of Presence
As I reflect on the first few months in my role as President of the Atlanta Bar Association , I am filled with gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to lead this dynamic organization . From the members and staff , to the community programs , connections , and opportunities , the Atlanta Bar is undoubtedly a fixture and force for good . The journey so far has also reinforced one of my key beliefs : that just showing up can have a remarkable impact on our professional and personal lives .
EMILY C . WARD Continuum Legal Group LLP eward @ continuumlg . com
When people see the Atlanta Bar logo and think about our motto , Lawyers Who Serve , I ’ m sure their minds gravitate towards pro bono legal services , community service projects , and volunteering . I know that is what I first thought of when I saw the motto . While providing pro bono legal services and lending our legal background to worthy causes within our community is one of the most important ways lawyers can serve , I believe it is just as important to recognize that we also serve our communities and profession simply by showing up . In this age where technology affords us the convenience of connecting from the comfort of our homes , we can lose sight of the importance of showing up in person and miss out on the undeniable benefits of our physical presence . While I , too , am guilty of opting for a Zoom meeting over a trip to the office , we must remember that our physical presence and support can have a profound impact on our profession , our community , and our personal lives .
A Chance Encounter
The ripple effects of a recent chance meeting I had at an event I very nearly skipped , have reinforced my belief in the power of presence . It reminded me how I can ’ t possibly predict the power and possible benefits that can come from the connections I make when I physically show up .
This spring , I waffled on going to an awards ceremony on a Thursday afternoon . I didn ’ t really know anyone there , I would have to deal with traffic , and people probably