Taking The Lead issue 2 | Page 5

The finished pictures were tweeted to a selction of sporting heroes such as Chris Hoy, Dame Kelly Holmes, and we were privelidged that Dame Kelly Holmes retweeted her picture

The installation..

Each group of students had a dedicated 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete their individual team project, so all four groups could complete each segment within a normal school day.

ATLANTA started first with their Hurdles and Atlanta skyscraper background. After donning their protective equipment and following a few jokes about “I sound and look like Darth Vader” quickly got down to work. The students were amazed that a realistic background could be created, using shading and the clever use of different coloured spay and methods of application. Each student, after being shown the techniques put them into action with zeal!

Each group looking at their peers finished work, couldn’t wait to get to grips with their own individual work. The air was thick with excitement and anticipation, not to mention paint! But breathing masks on, didn’t hinder our young artists with their task. It was great to see the students get so heavily involved in the project, the time flew for all involved.

And what a surprise for a group of teenagers and such a large scale art project…. NO MESS!

The finished work is well worth a look at, not only for those involved but people who’s working and education environment has been so vastly improved, with just a little effort and skill by a few dedicated students;.