Take a Loan For Your Every Financial Need A loan for every need (4) | Page 2

4. Professional loan Different professions have different needs. A professional loan is a loan tailor-made for different professionals It funds you for the expansion and growth of your business The different types of professional loans are: – Engineer loan – Doctor loan – Chartered accountant loan 5. Car or two-wheeler loan Studying in a reputed institution is not a distant dream You can now move a step closer to your dream university An educational loan gives you the money required to pay your fees You can repay the loan yourself, once you get a job 6. Business loan Every business needs money A business loan is a loan given for business purposes. It takes care of the working capital requirement of your business 7. Gold loan In times of a money crunch, your gold can come to your rescue A gold loan is a type of secured loan The lender gives you money against the security of your gold If you are unable to repay the loan, your lender has the right to retain your gold