Lindi Kirwin
I know Lindi’s work quite well although I have only met
her once, that was at a Book Signing for the 100 year
anniversary at Guild of Artists in Stockport (Cheshire UK) of
which she is a life long member.
What I know of Lindi is that she is a multi-disciplined artist.
Her range can move from designed fabric for a piece of
furniture, hand painting mirrors, figurative painting and still life
work. The range is impressive and its difficult to pin point one
genre where she excels, as it seems she is accomplished at
all those separate disciplines...
artwork. left page: Figurative mono prints for a Dorling Kindersley Book on Art (2006).
This page: Chair Created as a family memorial homage (using Daisies painting, left. Created with
Chalk paint, Acrylics, Crackle glaze and wax finished on board.