above: ‘Cargo Girl’1000mm x 1000mm Acrylic on Canvas.(available for collectors)
Claire McCarthy
Claire is now entering an enlightening phase of life as an artist where her heritage is starting to direct her
attention to specific art creation. The artist is from a family who originated in Ireland, but her memories, feelings
of place have always been absolutely connected to the Mersey, its Docks, the Sea, the Dockers, the Ships and
the people of Liverpool.
As the world changes and in particular the UK , which continues on its course of regeneration of the industrial
North, much of the local history, character and what was once its financial strength is not only changing but
disappearing. Many will say this is for the better for the environment and the quality of life for the people, and
to some extent that is true. However, Claire believes, as do many visual artists in the North of England, that it
is important to document and record of the last vestiges of what made the City one of the most important ports
of entry in Europe. By using emotional and visual intelligence a few Artists are embarking on this mission to
capture that heritage for future generations. Claire is a leading artist in this regard and is working towards an
exhibition project with paintings of the ports and the people complimented with video and a strong narrative.