information for the visitor
welcome to the Tubes Artists Gallery
This is the first exhibition of original and authentic paintings
by talented painters. The exhibition has been curated
by TUBES Editor , Denis Taylor.
As an artist (painter) for over 30 years, Denis was also the
exhibition director of W.O.R.K (a creative group of
European artists). He has conceived, mounted and
exhibited in major public and private exhibitions since 1989.
Tubes Artists Gallery is an independent and complimentary
publication to the main painters Tubes magazine, which
enjoys an audience of over 80,000 people.
Please do take a good look around the exhibition and if
a paintings appeals to you, please click
the button for “more information”
to connect with the TUBES Gallery Manager,
which takes you to a form for you to complete.
An information file will then be posted back to you giving full
details of the artist, their work and the exact price of each
painting with an accurate idea of the shipping cost
to your specific country.
Read the article “the (selling game” by art critic *Spike’ and
check out the The Tubes Artists Gallery video page
which is located at the end of the gallery. Future issues of
TAG on line, look forward to showing various features from
professional, educational and home made videos.
please note: the paintings shown are ‘not to scale’ to the
virtual space that they are exhibited within the gallery.
We hope you enjoy our first ‘show.
The artists are the main beneficiary from the sale of any work from Tubes Artists Gallery.
All work shown are exclusive to TUBES Artists Gallery and are the collection of the Artist.
Tubes deducts only a small fee for the administration handling and
the promotion costs of the artists in the gallery.
TAG #2 exhibition is now being prepared for
March 23rd 2019. If you are an artist and would like an info-pack
email: [email protected] (please type ‘info-pack TAG’ in the subject line )