Getting to Rhenish Girls High was a culture shock for me on all levels. I only knew two AGOF girls whom I met at the camp and until today they are my best friends.

I had a weird feeling being in a school where there are so many white people and also girls only. But I fell in love with Rhenish sisterhood and the wonderful people who helped to adapt to the environment and making friends was not a problem for me.

When I was told I will be moving to the province I was excited because I always wanted to go to the Western Cape to visit but this time I was going to live there. I was astounded by the fact that I was going to be independent and responsible for what I do without the help of my parents. The first few weeks I was very home sick, and it was saddening to see other boarders go home and that I could not. But with the help of those around me I got over it. Rhenish gave me a sense of belonging. Being a boarder has a lot of advantages such as having more time to work on your academics and sports after school, instead of home chores, the fact that I did not travel long distances to get to and from school.

Every time I went back home it was heart-warming to see how happy people were to see me after a while.

This opportunity has changed my life in a massive way; I experience my first flight in grade seven. I am always challenged to think differently and make a difference with the little that I have. I get to do things I have always wanted to do without having to worry about affordability. This is and will always be the best opportunity of my life.

I would like to advice learners not to limit themselves because of where they are coming from or by what they have been through. I encourage that they should always be themselves and to stay true to themselves and never allow other people tell them that they are not good enough because your good is enough. I would like to advice my peers that they should always be persistent and always be willing to learn and with this I believe it can get you through anything in life. I also would like to advice parents that they should always be supportive to their children; this will encourage them to do more and always be focused on the positive than the negative. Lastly but not least

always know that pressure makes diamonds.

Facts about me:

- I am a very confident, outspoken and very determined individual;

- My aspiration in life is to make a difference, use what is abundant to meet people’s needs.

- I like to believe that I have an entrepreneurial mind-set.

- When I am older I would love to be a petroleum engineer.

Tag My School//Cover Story//1st issue

July - September 2017