in the field in the field in the field
national armies belonging to
future NATO members will
learn to change their combat
systems, from the mindset to
the organizational and logistical
part. Through this exercise,
alongside with the US Navy, we
show our partners our standard
operational procedures. They will
see the equipment and how to
use it, and also our procedures,
which are NATO standards,
then they will go back to their
country and will begin, in turn,
to share these experiences
with their co-nationals. Divers
learn primarily to change the
Led by the Romanian military
divers, the exercise had two
distinct phases: the EOD being
carried out on board of the
military intervention diving ship
„Venus” and the scuba on board
of the intervention ship „Grigore
The purpose of the exercise, as
explained by Captain Commander
Adrian Ontica, chief of the EOD
combat divers, „is to show the
participating partners, nations
partners for peace, as Romania
was until 2004, the NATO
procedures. The participating
mentality and way of thinking,
learn about a NATO structure of
divers and scuba combat units,
equipment that we use, and all
this is done through practice,
so they can gain information
that will be useful when they
get back home, information
about their equipment, training
mode, standards that have to be
changed, some of which have
already begun the process of
In the first part of the exercise,
divers from the invited states,
under the guidance and
supervision of Romanian and