No 4: That you cannot
practise chipping and
putting on or around a
green just completed
if you will play it again
during a round (e.g. on a
nine-hole course during
the first round). You can.
Practising chipping or putting is
permitted under the following
During play, players are permitted to
practise chipping and/or putting on
or around the first tee, the hole just
completed, the next tee area or a
practice putting green (please note:
not on a practice range, Rules 5.5b
and 13.1e). Such practice strokes
must not be made from a bunker
and must not unreasonably delay
play. Nevertheless, the competition
committee may make it a condition
of play that practice on or around the
green just completed is prohibited
under general penalty.
No. 5: That you cannot
tee up the ball when
playing under penalty of
stroke and distance if the
previous stroke had been
made from teeing area.
You can.
Not only is teeing permitted when
proceeding under stroke and
distance, but whenever a stroke is
made from the teeing area, even
when a ball is already in play.
The teeing area of the hole being
played has become privileged. All
other teeing areas on the course
are defined as general areas. Rule
6.2 states that “whenever a player
is required or allowed to play a ball
from the teeing area, including when
starting play of a hole, the player will
play again from the teeing area under
a rule or the player’s ball is in play
in the teeing area after a stroke or
after the player has taken relief under
the rules, the ball may be re- teed or
played from the ground. This means
that if a player makes a stroke at a
ball that remains or lands back on the
teeing area after the stroke, the ball
may be re-teed without penalty.
SK Mwaura is a Golf and Golf Rules
enthusiast for over 25 years and
volunteers to do competitions
refereeing assignments.
[email protected]