T-Life May. 2014 | Page 6


Physical Growth:

Puberty is defined as the biological changes of adolescence. By mid-adolescence, if not sooner, most youngsters’ physiological growth is complete; they are at or close to their adult height and weight, and are now physically capable of having babies.

Cognitive Stage:

During adolescence, the developing teenager acquires the ability to think systematically about all logical relationships within a problem. The transition from concrete thinking to formal logical operations occurs over time. Each adolescent

progresses at varying rates in developing his or her ability to think in more complex ways. The constructivist view, based on the work of Piaget, takes a quantitative, state-theory approach, hypothesizing that adolescents' cognitive improvement is relatively sudden and drastic.

Self concept stage:

In this stage the adolescent find their identity in a very

intense way and they also try to look the best way they can because in this stage the

adolescent is really concerned of their physical appereance so it start to make exercise or in really extreme cases they start to become anorexic or bulimic people also they are concerned in their clothes and how they dress and it takes longer to be ready to go to a party or a restaurant etc…etc… also because of the physical appereance the adolescent starts to make diets, or lead to eating disorders especially the girls.

Some Facts about how teenagers think:

-I am the center of the universe and this universe is not good enough

While oxytocin is often described as the "bonding hormone," increased sensitivity to its effects in the limbic system has also been linked to feeling self-consciousness, making an adolescent truly feel like everyone is watching him or her.