T-Life May. 2014 | Page 10


So, first, what are groups? Groups are the essence of society, they are literally everywhere. And according to the sociology guide, a group “consists of two or more people who interact with one another and who recognize themselves as a distinct social unit.”

Hi! So, this article is about the varying groups we adolescents, belong to and their influence on us. I am an adolescent, so I understand that when our parents tell us: “Be careful but those friends you have, they are not well educated...” and blablabla, we don´t really listen. Instead, we are offended and annoyed that our parents have so little trust on us. But every now and then, we should listen to what they are saying to us, because the different groups we belong to DO have an influence on us, whether we want to or not. Obviously, this influence is not always bad, but it´s still good to be careful and know the different kinds of groups so we know why we feel certain emotions towards those groups. And also why sometimes we are shy or we refuse to express our opinions in front of the members of our groups. Why sometimes we even adopt certain ways of thinking as our own, even if we don´t really believe in them.