SYSCO Good Stories 2017 SYSCO Magasinet 2017_engelsk_versjon_3korr | Page 6

Exploring Iceland : The SYSCO employees gatheres at the Pirvellir National Park in Iceland .

Exploring good stories in Iceland

With 85 registered participants from SYSCO ’ s departments throughout the Nordic region , there was a record delegation of the company ’ s employees who in October took a welldeserved break from the autumn ’ s work sessions and set the course against Iceland .
HR Manager Kari Haaland Cheek was responsible for this year ’ s trip and is very pleased that everything went according to plan , and not least for all the postive feedback from the participating employees . – It is not easy to find a weekend for all employees being able to leave at the same time , so we are glad we found a time suiting so many . This obviously contributed a lot to the experience of the trip , says Cheek .
With an organization that has grown strongly over the years , and is also spread over many locations in the Nordic region , it is not always easy to find time to be social with colleagues . Besides the academic and social program , it was therefore a goal that the employees should get acquainted with new colleagues . In this regard , various types of ” social games ” were set up together with competitions , which Cheek thinks worked very well and led to new combinations and friendship between the various participants .
4 SYSCO – Good stories ! 2017