SYSCO Good Stories 2017 SYSCO Magasinet 2017_engelsk_versjon_3korr | Page 22
The winning team of Norsk Tipping.
From left: Runar Vestrheim, Ommund Øvrelid, Ole-Petter Berg and Frode Utvik (SYSCO), Audun Hoff & Egil Andresen (Oracle).
Provides full recovery
for Norsk Tipping
Although a lottery in itself is an
activity that is characterized by
chance and uncertainty, there
is no margin for either uncer-
tainty or downtime when Norsk
Tipping selects a supplier of
its computer systems.
It was therefore a great
acknowledgment, as SYSCO
recently won the contract to
deliver IT solutions for the
company’s tipping system.
SYSCO – Good stories! 2017
SYSCO’s senior consultant, Ommund
Øverlid, has been the project manager for
Norsk Tipping’s offer and also responsible
for the technical part of the specifications.
He says that Norsk Tipping’s business
posed huge demands on current IT solu-
tions, and this required a lot of efforts
from both SYSCO and Oracle.
– Taking care of the services provided by
Norsk Tipping, involves the responsibility
for huge amounts of transactions, which
in addition are usually concentrated over
a short period of time on Wednesdays
and Saturdays, explains Øverlid.
Even small delays, or periods of down-
time, will cause major income losses for
those involved, he explains. The require-
ments of Norsk Tipping are well known in
the Norwegian IT environment, and the
assignment was won in tough competi-
tion with other companies.
– This is therefore a great acknowledg-
ment for us, our professional compe-
tence and those who have worked on this
project, says Øverlid.
The requirements to be met were aimed
at both bandwidth, performance, scala-
bility and flexibility. In order to meet
the requirements, SYSCO had to thor-
oughly analyze the needs and opportuni-
ties. The conclusion was a combination of
on premise and cloud-based services, or
a so-called ”mist”, explains Øverlid. In
good Norwegian, there is a reference
to ”fog”, indicating that the data being
handled is closer to the ”ground” than a
normal cloud solution.
While some of the data for capacity rea-
sons need to be handled in cloud based
solutions, others were dependent on
short response time and therefore had to
be handled locally. Previously, it was not
possible to implement a cloud service that
could meet the demands of Norsk Tipping,
but Oracle came up with a solution that
proved to be right for Norsk Tipping.
The solutions SYSCO has delivered have
150 TB flash, over 350 TB of disk capacity
and an SQL bandwidth (number of que-
ries) of 96 GB/s! Overall, this capacity
contributes to using the capacity from the
cloud services and deliver the results to
the local data center.
– It means to process the data in the
cloud, but use it in their own data center,
explains Øverlid. This is called the Max-
imum Availability Architecture (MMA),
and in practice it runs on replication be-
tween data centers.
In this way, the requirements for data
protection, extreme bandwidth / per-
formance, scalability and flexibility are
all met. At the same time, the solution
provides close proximity to the local
application data of the Norsk Tipping
If anyone suspects that SYSCO employees
now get better chances in the lottery than
before, Ommund Øverlid can reassure
that extremely stringent safety require-
ments have been met both at the sup-
plier side and at Norsk Tipping. Once all
data is delivered for drawing, the systems
are blocked for further updating and the
actual draw is then made in Denmark.
– In fact, the systems are so secure that
even employees in Norsk Tipping are allo-
wed to participate in the lotteries on ordi-
nary terms, Ommund Øverlid reassures.
SYSCO – Good stories! 2017