SYSCO Good Stories 2017 SYSCO Magasinet 2017_engelsk_versjon_3korr | Page 2

No panic! CONTENTS EXPLORING GOOD STORIES IN ICELAND 4 DEV OPS  6 GOOD DEVELOPMENT IN SWEDEN 7 ORACLE OPEN WORLD 8 – WE HAVE A UNIQUE COMPETENCE 10 ORACLE PARTNER OF THE YEAR - AGAIN 12 CLOUD READINESS 14 AUTODIG  15 Tel: 52 82 59 00 E-post: [email protected] Support: 52 82 59 02 E-post: [email protected] OFFICES 16 Haugesund Stølsmyr 22, 5542 Karmsund Bergen Solheimsvegen 23, 5054 Bergen Stavanger Forusparken 2, 4031 Stavanger Stord Lønningsåsen 2, 5417 Stord INNOVATION LAB  18 – SYSCO HAS THE BEST SKILLS!  20 PROVIDES FULL RECOVERY FOR NORSK TIPPING THE SYSCO CHALLENGE 22 24 Project Manager/Journalist: Heine F. Birkeland / Ordvegen Produksjon Design: DHR Saga 2 SYSCO – Good stories! 2017 I would therefore use the opportunity to share some of my observations with you on my way to Christmas and a new exciting digital year. First of all, I would say – no need to panic! Oslo P.B. 535 Vollsveien 2B 1366 Lysaker ELHUB - AN INTERNATIONAL UTILITY PROJECT  Throughout the year, I’ve spent a lot of time visiting both new and existing customers. Attempting to find out how the new digital real- ity is experienced, both for public and private companies, has been educational. Ølen Mulagata 30 5580 Ølen Sverige Klarabergsviadukten 63 11165 Stockholm Danmark Regus Express, Terminal 3, Copenhagen Airport 2770 Kastrup In March, I attended the Winter Confe- rence in Helsinki, where all decision makers in the energy industry meet. An exciting program with ”digitization” as a red thread. In the lunch of day two, I sat at a table with one who presented himself as a lawyer and chairman of a medium- sized Norwegian energy company. As soon as I told him that I was working in the IT industry, I received the following questions: ”What is this digitalization actually?” After many hours of lectures on words like: Big data, solid data, machine learn- ing, deep learning, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, blockchain, IoT and cloud computing, maybe it’s not that strange? New words and expressions are constantly being dictated by marketers of the industry, to sell more products and services - usually at a higher price. My experience is that those companies that control the work processes, hunt for bottlenecks and ensure good data quality, also succeed better with their new projects. The new technology and the possibilities it gives us fall into the next level. All of this we can help you with. There is therefore no reason for panic, the digital age has just begun. In several projects where SYSCO has been involved, we experience common aspirations, good progress in the pro- ject relative to plan, yet lack of results when implementing new solutions. This becomes very visible when new IT solu- tions lead to the fact that work tasks that previously required a lot of manual work and employed many employees suddenly disappear. When the project is not rooted in management, the result can quickly be that employees feel insecure about their job and therefore directly counteract the changes. I believe the key to successful digitization is mandate, and competence in change management in the projects. Together with a good digitization project, it must follow the mandate to change the daily lives of the employees, as well as knowledge of managing / leading those who change their daily lives. We gladly share our experiences with you! For some time, I had the pleasure of traveling with a customer to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Re- search. The reason was that researchers here have many years of experience us- ing a variety of technologies and tools in relation to large amounts of data and advanced analysis of these. Here we learned how they worked out new methods for analysis and real-time calculations in particle physics, nuclear physics and chemistry. The tour we got in their data center and not least in the particle accelerator made a lot of im- pression. What I nevertheless remember most from the meetings we had was their unique message of learning by trying, making mistakes, and then trying again. This was a very basic working method. Large projects with high cost and risk were thus replaced with many small pro- jects where it is allowed to fail along the way. The visit to CERN has given us some inspiration that has led us in 2017 to launch our own platform to try, make mistakes and learn with our employees and customers. ”SYSCO Innovation Lab” facilitates testing good ideas, increasing accuracy, and reducing the risk of such projects. Never before have we made so many exciting innovation projects at the same time. The challenge is, therefore, do not be afraid to make mistakes, that’s what we learn, so we’ll do the right things the next time. By 2018, I will take on the main respon- sibilities for our Nordic efforts, and spend more time in Denmark and Sweden. Taking the step from being a Norwegian to becoming a Nordic player is important for SYSCO. Both in relation to our hori- zontal strategy of technology, but also in relation to our vertical strategy in the en- ergy market, which is becoming more and more balanced on a Nordic level. I look forward to addressing this challenge! Frank Vikingstad CEO SYSCO AS SYSCO – Good stories! 2017 3