Synergy Model Book Jan 2017 | Page 10

Fyrestorm is from Texas in the United States . She is both a model and creator on IMVU .

Before joining Synergy , she modeled for friends and helped them make product icons .

Fyrestorm says working with Synergy has been a dream come true because she has been able to grow and learn as both a model and a person . It has been one of the most positive experiences in her life .

She prefers a super feminine style and changes colors based on her mood . Some days you may see her dressed head-to-toe in all pink or black .

Heir Gown , Jewelry , Gloves , and Pumps by TarynMM . Allie Gemini Makeup and Julia Platonic Lips by SinHaven . Kacey Doll Skin by LoveStory .